I want you to think deeply about what I am about to say because if you get this, it could change how successful you will be. Continue Reading…
Top 6 Ways To Get Referrals
Having people refer business to you can be very powerful, and many businesses seem to have lost the art of getting referrals.
In fact, if you think about it, LinkedIn is a referral system. The power in the referral is that a tiny bit of credibility of the person referring you goes with that person. Continue Reading…
5 lessons I learned from a Billionaire
When I was younger, I was fortunate enough to work for a Billionaire. I managed one of his companies, and because of that, I had almost daily contact with him. Continue Reading…
Why Your Advertising Is Not Working
I often talk with people who tell me that their ads are not working. Their Facebook ads, their Google ads or whatever else they are using.
It usually goes something like this. “It doesn’t matter what I do, I just can’t make Facebook ads work for me.” Continue Reading…
Getting Big Ass Results Fast
The Romans were famous for building straight roads. They did this because it allowed them to move their armies, people and goods around faster and reduced the possibility of them being ambushed. Continue Reading…
80% of success is this!
You know, when I work with business owners they all want to know how to increase their profits, or start building procedures and processes to get success, but there is one thing that is even more important than all of that.